Fleet Maintenance



Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs over its 5+ years of business has built up an association with many of Australia’s Fleet Management Companies. Through these associations Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs is able to provide to all fleet vehicle drivers, the fleet maintenance services required by their fleet management company.


Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs Fleet Maintenance is the servicing and repairing of a companies vehicles. Irrespective of fleet size or vehicle mix (passenger or commercial) we can tailor a maintenance program to suit your needs.

  • Remove or minimize the risks associated with vehicle investment
  • Improve efficiency and productivity
  • Reduce their overall transportation costs

After being on our fleet maintenance program, you should experience a significant cost savings in the repairs of your vehicles. Over the years we have found that by tailoring a maintenance program to your needs and by offering a free pickup and drop off service your staff productivity will increase.

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Contact Us

PHONE: +61-415-100-002
EMAIL: info.advanceauto@gmail.com

Affordable vehicle management solutions

You already know that vehicle operating costs are a major overhead for your business, often one of the highest costs behind staff salaries. However, even the most effective internal fleet management practices will only achieve a portion of the tangible savings and efficiencies offered through our professional fleet management solutions.