Certificate of Inspection

Certificate of Inspection

Certificate of Inspection (COI) vehicles (such as heavy vehicles, licensed tow trucks, buses, taxis, limousines and booked hire vehicles) registered in Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs may need to have a periodic or programmed inspection to check minimum vehicle safety standards. A COI is issued when the vehicle passes the inspection.

Owners of registered COI vehicles must have a current COI at all times, unless exempt. You will not be able to renew your registration until you have a current COI, so it pays to plan to have your vehicle checked for defects and book the inspection before the expiry date.

The vehicle must be presented in a clean condition and free of excessive grease to ensure the components can be inspected.

The vehicle should be checked for defects and have any necessary repairs completed before presentation for a COI to prevent the need for a re-inspection.

COI vehicles

Depending on your vehicle type, a COI can be obtained from either a Transport and Main Roads inspection centre or an approved inspection station accredited by Transport and Main Roads.

Contact Us

PHONE: +61-415-100-002
EMAIL: info.advanceauto@gmail.com

Affordable vehicle management solutions

You already know that vehicle operating costs are a major overhead for your business, often one of the highest costs behind staff salaries. However, even the most effective internal fleet management practices will only achieve a portion of the tangible savings and efficiencies offered through our professional fleet management solutions.

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