Auto Electrical

Auto Electrical Services

Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs Auto Electrical Services offers a full range of automotive electrical diagnosis, repair, and replacement. Services we offer include:

Battery Diagnostic and Replacement: Car batteries power a car’s systems, such as the computer and stereo, while the car is not running. If your car battery is old or worn out it will not perform like it should and will need replacing.

Battery Terminal Cleaning and Replacement: Advance Auto Mechanical and panel Repairs has the necessary tools and solvents to make sure the terminal stays clean, and the equipment to replace it if necessary.

Light Bulb Inspections and Replacement: Utah state law requires a vehicle’s headlights and taillights to be properly aimed and illuminating. We can inspect and replace your bulbs to make sure that your vehicle can stay on the road safely.

Plug and Wiring Inspection and Replacement: The wires in your car carry electricity between all the vital systems. If your car appears to be having an electrical issue, our team can assess the vehicle and make the needed repairs.

If your car is having an electical issue don’t hesitate to bring it in for our auto electrical services. Our certified mechanics have the years of experience needed to diagnose and solve even the most uncommon electrical issues.

Contact Us

PHONE: +61-415-100-002

Affordable vehicle management solutions

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